Gain full access to schedule when you join The Pack.

Our Introductory
Evaluation Process:

  1. Assess each dog's temperament and behavior.

  2. Start with individual walks to evaluate leash manners and behavior.

  3. Gradually introduce your dog / dogs to Yogi our pack leading dog in a controlled environment.

  4. After the introduction we require you leave your dog with us for a half day pack walk so we can see how they do with the rest of the pack.

  5. We require that your dog does 3 half day pack walks within 2 weeks before they are able to stay with us for a full day.

  6. During these first three walks we Monitor your dog closely for signs of stress or fatigue to make sure they can do a full day.

  7. We also spend the first few days adjusting the pack dynamics as needed for a harmonious group. Maintaining control and ensuring safety during the walks.

To keep pack familiarity we require the dogs sign up a minimum of once a week to keep up with their exercise & socialization.

Pack walks have been a game-changer for Yogi, calming his anxious energy and providing a sense of belonging, as he finds comfort and support in his pack.

As a busy dog owner, finding balance seemed impossible until I discovered the benefits of pack walks for both Yogi and I. Pack walks are where dogs of different energy levels and temperaments exercise together. These walks have helped channel Yogi's excess energy, resulting in a happier and more balanced dog. Pack walks provide mental and physical stimulation, improving Yogi’s behavior and making him more relaxed and focused.